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Quick Hits (9/2/08)

After an enjoyable holiday, here’s some blog stew that includes some politics, our building project, some sports, and a little reading.


What do I think of McCain’s pick of Palin?

I think it’s shrewd. Sure, she’ll be questioned about preparedness, especially regarding international affairs. But the upside of having her on the ticket is great:

1. She’s attractive, and not just physically. She’s a “rock star” already; people love her. And McCain (who was at risk of being as boring as Dole, another old war hero candidate) needed something to capture people’s attention. He found her.

2. She gives a great face to the pro-life movement. It’s one thing for a Dobson to argue against abortion. He can be dismissed as out of touch and unsympathetic. But Palin? She stands against abortion both as a mother of a Down Syndrome child and as the mother of a pregnant teenager. She brings conviction backed up by real life decisions. She bolsters the pro-life cause, and she does so at a great time.

3. She has energized the Republican base (and especially conservatives) in a big way. My friends at TCBC don’t talk politics much at all, but there was genuine enthusiasm about her candidacy over the weekend, and I’ve seen it in other venues, as well. People who were “ho-hum” about the Republican ticket are now pumped.

4. She will pull some Hillary supporters over to McCain, though probably not many. Even so, it’s a coup to have a woman on the Republican ticket for the first time in history, especially after Hillary’s candidacy and after Obama’s passing on her.

5. She made the entire country forget about Obama’s big speech last week.

6. In additional to welcoming conservatives back to the table, she appeals to moms, to middle class Americans, to blue-collar workers, to union members, to those concerned about gas prices, etc. In other words, she appeals to just about everybody.

I’m impressed. You?


Michael Moore and Gustav

Michael Moore is just giddy about Hurricane Gustav. He says it’s timing (during the RNC) is proof that there is a God. So much for liberal compassion, eh? Ridiculous. Can you imagine if a Christian made such a statement? (Of course you can. Oops. Scratch that.) Anyway, I’m not impressed…but also not really surprised.


TCBC Building Update

TCBC will celebrate its 10th anniversary in October of this year. During the last decade, we’ve met in a high school auditorium on Sunday mornings and a variety of locations (including park pavilions, the YMCA, and two community centers) for other services. Yet, the Lord has faithfully built a healthy, gospel centered church in spite of those challenges. Finally, by God’s grace, we voted last week to get the structure of our building up, and we hope to have it in the dry by the end of the year. All systems are go, including finances, permits, and site prep. We should begin the foundation as early as this week. Please pray with us that the project will go well!


Terrelle Pyror Watch

Anybody see Terrelle Pryor’s debut at OSU? Mercy. He’s gonna be fun to watch, starting right now. Go Buckeyes!


Speaking of Ohio Sports…

Have you been following Cliff Lee’s stellar season? 20-2. Mercy, again.

The Tribe started the season with the 2007 Cy Young winner in CC Sabathia (who’s just  been lights out for the Brewers, and should be rewarded with a no hitter for last night’s effort), another 2007 Cy Young candidate in Fausto Carmona, and the guy who should be the 2008 Cy Young winner. Yet, it’s been a lousy season. Go figure.


Mark Twain’s Roughing It

I’m reading Mark Twain’s Roughing It. It’s mostly forgettable, but it occasionally has me laughing out loud. He reminds me of Patrick McManus before there was a Patrick McManus—-which probably means McManus reminds me of Twain.


Denominations & Divisiveness

I’ve been encouraged during the last decade to see less focus on denominational tags as a basis for fellowship and gospel cooperation. Whereas for years Baptists refused to support Non-Denoms—and Non-Denoms returned the favor—many on both sides of the issue have begun to determine cooperative relationships on the basis of doctrine and philosophy rather than names. What a welcome change! But alas, old habits die hard. Please, friends, be part of the solution, not the problem. Stop making the name on a church’s sign mean more than that church’s doctrinal statement.


Coming Soon to a Blog Near You…

Three months ago yesterday I was privileged to begin a study tour in Turkey, a trip which built upon a 2006 trip to Greece. By God’s grace, I’ve been able to visit most of the cities where Paul ministered in the New Testament. I’m planning to start making some blog posts on those sites soon—probably one per week on Mondays, starting next week.

13 Responses

  1. Chris, as I have stated in the past about Ohio sports, especially Cleveland sports (growing up in the shadow of the Terminal Tower – “Terminal” -appropriate for Cleveland sports), this is typical. We’re ALWAYS let down each year. We just live with it.

    As for VP choice Sarah Palin, you’re right. McCain, by himself, is a loser. However, picking Palin slams not only Hillbilly, but Nancy Pelosi! A double whammy if ever there was one!

    Michael Moron is an idiot!

    Pryor – can anyone say “Justin Zwick”? Maybe he’ll get it done as he matures. Time will tell!

    I was listening to Jim Rome this afternoon on ESPN. His pick is USC. Why? Beenie is out for this game, and who knows for how long. I’m happy with OSU being ranked 3rd. It gives the Buckeyes something to shoot for!

  2. Doug, speaking of Ohio sports – you better watch out. The moderator of this board doesn’t take any gruff and if you start making disparaging remarks against teams he likes, you might just find your posts get “mysteriously” lost. Hmmm, how could that be?

    For example, I think the famed East Coast Defense of the Cincinnati Bengals might be lacking this year because of weak spots on the left flank line. With experience they could get better, but they need to learn quick.

  3. I hate to leave a comment, especially since it looks like Michigan is heading for a sub-.500 year. But I’ve got to say it somewhere, and it’ll probably sound best in your ears, Chris.

    If RichRod had successfully recruited Terrelle Pryor away from Ohio State, Michigan would have beaten Utah on Saturday.

    They haven’t even played each other yet, and Tressel’s already beaten him once.

  4. I hear you, Matt. Lloyd…er, RichRod…had a rough start. And the kicker is, this first Tressel ‘W’ could lead to several more.

    On the bright side, at least you don’t have any Buckeye friends that are prone to gloating.

  5. Just a note jjones, I am from the Cleveland area, so I have EVERY right to whine about Cleveland / Ohio sports teams!

  6. You’re right, Chris. I don’t have “any Buckeye friends” as long as it’s football season. =) Our new youth pastor is from Egypt and has this penchant for Scarlet and Gray. The mission field has come to me!

    Looking forward to being Blue all fall,

  7. Matthew,

    “Looking forward to being Blue all fall” sounds like a great country song. Not that I have ever listened to country music.

    Andrew Henderson

  8. I happen to be a BIG Big Ten fan. I like the Wolverines as long as they’re playing an out-of-conference team. I was disappointed in their loss to Utah this past Saturday. That may be a sticking point with my die-hard Ohio State fans, but I love the Big Ten!

    And even though Donna Shalala was, at one time, the president of Woosconsin (I know I spelled the state wrong. I did it on purpose), I still (gasp) root for them.

    I actually hate the Badgers more than the Wolverines because Donna Shalala was from there!

  9. Andrew, the way your Vols started the season, maybe that “Blue All Fall” song will be a duet, eh?

    Doug, I think most OSU fans agree with you, though we don’t usually admit it in public. I want to see the Big Ten win vs. other conferences, especially in bowl games. I was glad to see Meechigan beat Florida, for example. That was a nice win. Their losing to teams like Utah and A-State don’t help the Buckeyes’ reputation at all, either.

    BTW, CC got no no-no. O well.

  10. Where did you prepare for the ministry?

  11. Hi, Andrew. (A different Andrew, I presume.) Friend or foe? :)

    I’ve been preparing for the ministry my whole life (ahem), but I spent 6.5 years and a ton of money at BJU.

  12. Friend! My wife and I went to BJU as well. Tony Miller, the ex-Dean of Men stood up with me at my wedding. I just wanted some context about you before I entertained entertaining some of your thoughts. Your comments about Mahaney’s book intrigued me, but I’ve been lead to primrose before and have no interest in vacationing there again.

  13. The last time (I think) the Big Ten swept the bowl games was 1998-99 season where 5 of the Big Ten teams won some of the major bowl games.

    Their overall record in bowl series is terrible. That makes the sportscasters prejudiced against the Big Ten. I can understand why.

    CC; Cleveland’s loss, but typical for Cleveland!

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